Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Something About Pit BUll Health

This series of articles explores the most sought after questions regarding Pitbull ownership and Pitbull Health. Every health question I answer is directly from my mailbox. I have selected the best and most shocking health questions and have included them for your review. I have organized each pitbull health question into categories.

These health pages covers a variety of Pitbull health issues. Most pitbull owners are not qualified to diagnose and treat many common health issues that a professional kennel deals with on a regular basis.

I implore you to consult with your Vet before implementing any opinion on heath I may share below.


The health information I supply in this series of articles is based on years of my personal experience of caring for the health issues of my dogs, and loving dozen of my Pitbull friends. The many tips on Pitbull health I provide, involve my experience with PitBulls and their health, although the information should translate over to many other dog breeds as well. The questions I answer are real emails and represent the most commonly asked and requested information on pitbull health.

Taking care of the health of my dogs is my biggest challenge as a kennel owner. For whatever reason dogs are susceptible to a variety of very serious health concerns. Much more so than people. Things like Pavo, Heartworm, Rabies, Distemper and even Hepatitis are serious health concerns for every dog.
Although I personally do not know of anyone who's dog has contracted Rabies, I can just about guarantee you that if your dog is not properly vaccinated that sooner than later, they are going to contract the Parvo virus, which kills half of all dogs that catch it. As a dog owner you have to be pro-active when it comes to the health of your dog.


Since dogs can't talk, and most dogs don't tend to complain about their health, if you are not pro-active with your dog's health, you will not be meeting the health needs of your dog.
I cannot believe how many dog owners go months on end without WORMINGtheir dogs. I can't believe how many people have went over a year without cleaning their dog's ears or teeth. I can't believe how many people never treat their dog for heartworm and then wonder why their dog has no energy. Your dog is not going to tell you he has these problems.

As a dog owner and lover, you have the responsibility to see to these needs before they become a problem. If you don't take care of these health issues, promptly and systematically, you don't deserve to own a dog.


I get thousands of emails each year, many of these are seeking advice on how to treat a health problem their dog is having.
It is shocking and sad, as to how many people just are not caring for their dog's health properly. In these tough economic times, many people just don't have the funds to take their dog to the Vet. Sadly, their dog is suffering because of it.
I try to help an answer health related questions when I can, but still, there is no substitute for a visit to the vet to care for your dog's health.
On the following pages I cover a variety of health challenges that many dogs face. I tell you how I deal with health problems in my kennel, and how to treat your dog's health issues cheaply when possible.

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